Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fashion Dolls, my fascination with 'leatherette' fabric, brown and black.


Sela, 14" Fashion Doll
Dara, 14" Fashion Doll
My new dolls, Dara and Sela, have capes and boots made out of 'leatherette' fabric that does not need seaming and drapes beautifully. I added stockings to both dolls before making the boots. Use the leg pattern to make short or thigh-hi boots and pull them over the feet.  The shorter cape is a half moon shape to fit around the doll and folded at the neck to form a collar. The long draped cape is a rectangle, as wide as you would like it to be, placed around the doll, draped in place, and stitched under the arms to hold it in place. The faces are done freehand and enhanced using real makeup. Please email me if you would like more information,